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  • Hello Aliens, finally we were able to make contact. We are the representatives of all living systems on earth. People know us as the United Nations, the biggest International Organization on earth.
  • On this presentation we will introduce the human body, so you get to know a little bit about us.


  • Cellular respiration: This is when cells, (cells is what composes our body) release energy from the food molecules that provide the essential energy for life. Basically we get energy from consuming food.
  • Anatomy of the lungs: Our lungs work as a container for air, the diaphragm located at the base of the lungs pushes up and down to inhale and exhale air.
  • So the process basically allow us to stay alive, we both need air and energy to survive. Overall, the cellular respiration allows us to obtain energy and the lungs allow us to get air into our system, both necessary for human life.
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  • —Now we are going to explain what the circulatory system, this is the system that helps us stay alive because it gets blood to all our body. (Blood is a fluid that contains nutrients that helps us move and circulate cells around our body. This fluid moves on some canals called veins.) —Veins are where blood is carried to the heart. This are less pressured, have no muscles, to against gravity. carrying in most cases oxygenated blood towards the heart. Inside them, capillaries collect their nutrients. Capillaries is a tube that has an internal diameter of hairlike thinness inside the veins which collects the nutrients —The heart works as a muscle that pumps away blood and receives blood. This is the muscle that moves around the blood so your body can work. This provides oxygen and nutrients to your whole body. Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body. They are large, thick-walled, muscular, and elastic. —The respiratory system brings oxygen into the lungs when you breathe. The digestive system breaks food down into nutrients such as glucose. Now the circulatory system enters. The circulatory system also transports carbon dioxide waste from the cells to the lungs of the respiratory system.
Photo by Double--M


  • The digestive system is the system that helps us gain energy to move, or to do anything at all. This movements are made by the muscles, something all around our bodies that tensions and relaxes, moving our body as a result. Some muscles are controlled by us, they are called voluntary muscles, and the ones we don't have control over are called smooth muscle.We recibe this energy breaking down food, food are things we can digest, oftenly they are or were living things, for example meat from an animal, by eating muscles or tissues from an animal we gain energy to keep on living. The digestive system process starts by the mouth, when the organism consumes food, the teeth ( hard calcium structures that principally break things, food) breaks the food by applying pressure, the smaller fractions of food then pass through the esophagus ( muscle tube that connects the mouth with the stomach) into the stomach.
Photo by DGZiN Studio

How are all systems connected?
—The respiratory system brings oxygen into the lungs when you breathe. The digestive system breaks food down into nutrients such as glucose. Now the circulatory system enters. The circulatory system also transports carbon dioxide waste from the cells to the lungs of the respiratory system.

Photo by kenteegardin


  • In conclusion the human body is a very complex system, which is made up of organs, muscles, bones and many other things, all the things that compose the human body are essential, without them humans would die, everything even the small things are very important to subsist. Humans body it's very different from your species, which is made up of silicon. Humans are just another species in the solar system waiting to find new species and exploring the universe, because a thing that defines the humans is our curiosity, our desire to find new things, to explore the vast universe.
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