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biological warfare

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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biological warfare

Can biological warfare harm Earth's surface? 

1.Earth is the densest major body in the solar system.
2.Earth's crust is divided into several seperate plates,unlike other planets.
3.Another fact is subduction occurs when two plates collide and the edge ends up being destroyed in a mantle.
4.There is also motion at some boundaries.

Photo by angela7dreams

5.Also ,The earth's atmosphere is 77%nitrogen ,21%oxygen.
6.Liquid is responsible for any erosions that happens and the weathering of Earth's continents.

Photo by jurvetson

1.Biological warfare
(B W) also known as germ warfare.
2.In the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria,viruses,smallpox ,and fungi.
3.With intent to kill or incapacitate humans,animals,or plants as an act of war.

Biological warfare does not directly harm earth's surface but nuclear warfare does by putting craters in the earth.
The end.
By Sharaine and Keegan.