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Slide Notes

This is the deck I am working on to try to explain Flipped Learning in a one hour session or more.

One hour is very difficult due to short time and I rarely cover all of this. I don't think I reached the end in an hour over 8 attempts.

Feel free to send feedback to kenbauer@gmail.com with the subject of email "Flipped Learning in 1 Hour"

Short URL for this presentation is: bit.ly/FL1hora

Aula Invertida en una hora

Published on Nov 18, 2015

No Description


Aula Invertida

Es sobre proceso, NO herramientas
This is the deck I am working on to try to explain Flipped Learning in a one hour session or more.

One hour is very difficult due to short time and I rarely cover all of this. I don't think I reached the end in an hour over 8 attempts.

Feel free to send feedback to kenbauer@gmail.com with the subject of email "Flipped Learning in 1 Hour"

Short URL for this presentation is: bit.ly/FL1hora


Twitter es una herramienta clave de Edu
Twitter is so important to educators and we should be using it and social media in general to communicate more across the Tecnológico de Monterrey and farther afield.

Good links for getting started with Twitter (via a request on Twitter https://twitter.com/ken_bauer/status/617017096241827841 )

From Alec Couros http://www.theedublogger.com/2012/02/13/the-updated-twitteraholics-guide-to...

From Jonathan Worth (way more than just Twitter) http://phonar.org.uk/2014/09/connected-courses-trust-and-network-fluency/

From Howard Rheingold
Photo by kansasphoto

Soy Maestro

¿Porqué son maestras/maestros? (hojas)
Put in words on one side of your index card (or piece of paper) why you teach.

¿Necesitamos hacer video?

Intro, material, resumen

4 Personas

(hoja) No familia ni famosos
Write on the other side of the index card (or paper) the 4 people that made you what you are today. They had an impact that forced you in this direction or shaped your future. Can not be family, can not be some famous person, you must have known them personally.

image: Ken in Grade 3

Why I teach

Video HipHughes
Showing this video: http://bit.ly/hiphughesWhyITeach

Picture of Keith Hughes on Twitter https://twitter.com/hiphughes

Enseñanza de 1era

No es una moda lo de Flipping
This and the next slide is about linking #Tec21 to Flipped Learning. I think it matches, do you?
Photo by iwona_kellie

Escape al CAFe!

Asi se sienten los alumnos (recreo)
Do you know that feeling when a conference is so boring that you just want to escape to the coffee break station? Kids feel like that daily.
Photo by fikirbaz


Diferentes ritmos
Here I usually use this origami activity to get a feel for how students get lost (or bored) in class depending on their previous experience and retention during a live lecture.

Photo by Enthuan

Aula Invertida

¿Que es?
Photo by JB London

Four Pillars

Find this at the Flipped Learning Network site including a Spanish version http://fln.schoolwires.net//site/Default.aspx?PageID=92

Flexible Environment

Photo by spaceninja

Learning Culture

Photo by jovike

Intentional Content

Photo by ArturoYee

Professional Educator

Photo by aforgrave

Mejor uso de

Tiempo 1-1
Photo by mariskar

Flipped Learning

Lo que no es
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Flipped Learning

Lo que no es
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Solo Videos


Photo by StuartWebster

Los Involucrados

Padres, Maestros, Alumnos, Admon.


Clase Invertida / Penguins / FlippingPhysics
Photo by Paul Mannix

¿Asustados ahora?

Discusión abierta

Si, preguntas

Dudas, temores, aclaraciones
Photo by marsmet552


Como hacer un video Flip.
Photo by HckySo

esta bien fracasar

pero debes aprender de ello


Find us on Facebook at http://bit.ly/flipmexico

This is a Facebook group for sharing about Flipped Learning for all of Latin America


Find me on Twitter with @ken_bauer and at my blog at http://blog.kenbauer.me

Also our Tec21 Flipped Learning project at http://bit.ly/flipTec21