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Augmented Reality

Published on Dec 02, 2015

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Augmented Reality

Photo by turkletom

Augmented Reality integrates digital information with live, real-time information in a user’s environment (TechTarget, 2015). This emerging technology blends physical objects with virtual reality (Delello, McWhorter, & Camp, 2015).

AR can be used to help students understand the world around them by offering enhanced information through their digital devices (Wasko, 2013)

One way to think of AR is to envision the magical world created in the Harry Potter films where pictures appear to float and interact with viewers and newspapers come to life with content that moves and speaks (Nelsoney, 2013).

Photo by mabecerra

Aurasma is a platform that allows users to create AR experiences with an app for their mobile devices.

Photo by GeoBlogs

According to the Aurasma website, AR is a digitally enhanced view of the world that allows any object, image, or place to be enhanced with graphics, animation, video, audio, and 3D content (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, 2015).

Photo by jimbowen0306

The use of AR benefits education because it allows students to interact with content in an innovative way. Using an app like Aurasma lets students both create and experience AR. Making auras puts students in control of making decisions about what content should be added to a trigger. Letting students decide how to convey information provides them with a level of power they may never have experienced since the technology itself is emerging.

The ISTE NETS (2015a) for students deal with six specific areas:
1. creativity and innovation
2. communication and collaboration
3. research and information fluency
4. critical thinking, problem solving and decision making
5. digital citizenship
6. technology operations and concepts

ISTE also created standards for teachers. These standards deal with five specific areas (ISTE, 2015b):
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
3. Model digital age work and learning
4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
5. Engage in professional growth and leadership

Learning to use free and friendly applications like Aurasma is one way for educators to incorporate technology that will allow themselves and their students to grow and participate in the world’s technological culture.

Delello, J. A., McWhorter, R. R., & Camp, K. M. (2015). Integrating augmented reality in higher education: A multidisciplinary study of student perceptions. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 24(3), 209.
Hewlett-Packard Development Company. (2015). HP aurasma is changing the way we interact with the world. Retrieved from https://www.aurasma.com/
ISTE. (2015a). ISTE standards for students. Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards/standards-for-students
ISTE. (2015b). ISTE standards for teachers. Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards/standards-for-teachers
TechTarget. (2015). Augmented reality (AR). Retrieved from http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/augmented-reality-AR