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Angles & Triangles

Published on Feb 28, 2019

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Angles & Triangles

Teagan Hoffman #15

Angles & Triangles

Teagan Hoffman #15


I mean, what ARE they?

Triangle are a polygon(shape) with tri(three)
Angles. Now does it make sense? Three sides, three angles.

Now to learn the Angles/Triangles!!!

Oh, this'll be FUN!

Straight angle

The..... Straight one

A straight angle is an angle that is ..... straight. It measure 180'.


The big buddy

Obtuse angles are angles that are more than 90' in any way. This means that it is MORE than a right angle, and it can also be a straight angle.

Obtuse triangles are

Obtuse triangles are a triangle with ONE obtuse angle. If you had more than one, you would need one more side, so it would be a quadrilateral. Here's another look.


The wee little baby

An acute angle is any angle that is LESS than 90 degrees. So sometimes it can be really small! Like, do you know how small 5' is?

An acute triangle is a triangle with ALL acute angles. No right. No obtuse. Or else it WOULD be right or obtuse! Her's another look.

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The serious one

A right angle is a angle that is EXACTLY 90'. If it is 89' or 91', it is not right. Talk about picky!

A right triangle is a triangle that has ONE right angle, or else it would be a quadrilateral with 4 sides. Take a another look.

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The other picky one

A equilateral is a triangle with three even sides and the same angle as each angle. And we thought that right angles were picky!

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The not-as-picky one

An Isosceles triangle is a triangle with 2 even sides. Two sides are the same length.

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Not very picky

A scalene triangle is a triangle with NO EVEN sides. If any are even, it will be isosceles or equilateral.

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