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Ancient Israel (1000-600)

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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(1000-600 B.C.)


1000 BC - in 500 years 3 groups (Egypt, Assyria and Babylon, the Hittites) get conquered by Phoenicians and Israelites
Bringing of Phoenicians and Israelites includes bringing of iron resources
alphabet developed
monotheism - brought on by Israelites
domesticating of camels brought on by both
500 BC- Empires fall under two rules
Babylonians (not in Mesopotamia), Medes, and Assyrians = Persian Empire
Lydians, Phrygians and Ionian Greeks of Asia Minor, Phoenicians and Jews, Babylonians of Mesopotamia, Egyptians, and Iranian peoples merge to one regime…


(Dates B.C.)


Evidence found in two places; archaeological surveys: " surveys showed what the landscape was in the time of biblical judges", and excavation that would "provide evidence of daily life in ancient Israel, including the society’s wealth, warfare and housing." Excavation and surveys showed that their civilization was built on hilltops, 400 people at the most and often large families would live in small houses, hosting numerous relatives. House consisted of a few rooms, people sleeping on the roof, and animals in the yard. The terrain of the area was extremely fertile and vegetation was abundant.

- FOOD IN DAILY LIFE: wheat, barley, lentils, coarse beans, cucumbers, squash, pumpkin, tomato, potato, onions, leeks, garlic, figs, dates, grapes, pomegranates, sycamore figs, olives, fish, salt, sugar, bread, wine, animals that were came across
- ANIMALS: Sheep: tail fat was a delicacy, flesh was for meat, wool was for clothing Goats: meat was eaten, hair was woven into tent, skin was used for containers of wine
- DAILY FASHION: Men were often bald with long beards, a loincloth, a mantle, a sort of undershirt, a cloth folded into a turban, makeshift shoes for footwear
-Women wore similar attires as men, except they wore their hair long, and practiced artificial curling
-ENTERTAINMENT: Conversation and storytelling


The idea Family in israel was more expansive than modern conceptions. There were 3 levels of Family in ancient Israel. First one is the Bayit which means household. Second level is mishpachah which means clan, Third one is mattah with means tribe.The Polygamy consists of the wealthiest households. Nurture, education, and discipline all took place in the household. Ancient Israel is described as an agrarian society. This society of theirs required a large-scale of cooperation for survival. Land ownership was very important for families. Ancient Israel was a parti-local society. In Ancient Israel family can be viewed as concentric circles with the household at the center, the clan farther out, and the tribe existing out beyond the clan. When someone died they were said to be “gathered with their ancestors.”


-Israeli woman’s life was centered in the home
-women who lived in a village would probably have had a garden as a source of food
-Having children was the ultimate goal for all the women in Israel
-Boys and girls were loved equally, but boys were preferred because they wouldn't be marry into other families
-Even mothers,would rather have a son
-Israeli's woman's day to day life consisted of in raising their, keeping the house clean and cooking meals
- Sheep and goat milk was used to produce milk, butter and cheese instead of cow milk
- Dinner would include lots of vegetables, beans, lentils, cucumbers and onions.…