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Anabolic Steroids

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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{Amir Lodhi}

What are "Anabolic Steroids?"

*Anabolic steroids also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic substances that are made up of testosterone

* Anabolic steroids are usually either taken orally or injected into e muscles; some are applied to the skin as a cream or gel

* Many people use anabolic steroids because they want to improve how well they plain in sports and/or improve their look.

How do they work?

* Anabolic steroids change muscle mass and strength by two ways.

* First, the steroids lead to an increased production of proteins, which are the building blocks of muscle.

* Second, the steroids also block the effect of the hormone cortisol on muscle, so that existing muscle is broken down at a slower rate.


Good and Bad ways...

The Good

* First of all, steroids were first discovered in the late 30s when scientist discovered that anabolic steroids could help the growth of skeletal muscle in lab animals

* This led the doctors using them to help children wi delayed puberty as well as helping patients with diseases such as AIDS and Cancer help grow their muscle tissue back.

The Bad

* Some of the effects that that come along with using steroids are severe acne to pop up as well as hair to fall out.

* They can make guys grow breasts and girls to grow beards.

* Steroids can also cause livers to grow tumors and hears to clog up, Steroids can also send the users on violent, angry rampages. In other words, steroids can make the body go all out of whack.

Although steroids do make the users bulk and muscular, the health risks are way too high, and even though the user might smile when they look at their flex in the mirror, they might not be happy with what is inside them, and those problems inside of them can affect them for the rest of their life, and others as well...