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Alchemist Glossary Project

Published on Dec 03, 2015

Renn Gruenhagen



Renn Gruenhagen
Photo by szeke

Elixir of Life
A mythical potion that grants eternal life to the user and cures all illnesses. The alchemist has the Elixir of Life, which is why he's known as the alchemist of the oasis. He shows it to the 3 tribesmen but they laugh and don't believe it's real.

Photo by Loowgren

Philosopher's Stone
A magical stone of alchemy that turns any metal into gold. The alchemist used it to make gold to repay the Coptic monks and to give some to Santiago for his journey when they parted.

Photo by jsj1771

Master Work
The combination of the Elixir of Life and Philosopher's Stone sought by all alchemists. The alchemist himself has the Master Work because he pursued his Personal Legend to find them.

Emerald Tablet
The Magnum Opus of alchemy which contains the singular truth alchemists need to know. The alchemist tells Santiago that the Tablet can't be understood with reason because it provides a passage to the Soul of the World.

Photo by greyloch

Soul of the World
The unifying force of the world that all life and creation has a place in. The Soul of the World creates a Personal Legend for everything that exists and interconnects all life. Santiago learns from it and it aids his journey.

Photo by Valentina_A

Language of the World
The language that the Soul of the World speaks. The Language of the World is a mutual understanding between all things that one can read without words. Santiago learns the Language from the desert.

Omens are the signs that the Soul of the World gives to one pursuing their Personal Legend. They guide the person's heart. Santiago heeds an omen when the two hawks fight near the Oasis.

Photo by K Schneider

Personal Legend
The fate that the Soul of the World has determined for a person or thing since it was created. Personal Legends are always existent, but not always pursued. The universe is generous to those who follow their Personal Legend (like Santiago).

Photo by skoeber

Courage in The Alchemist is the driving force for Santiago's journey. Courage is what compels him to continue on regardless of fear. The only way Santiago was able to learn the Language of the World was through his courage.

The heart is the most powerful human emotion in The Alchemist.
Santiago's heart guides him through his love for Fatima, even wanting him to choose his love for her over his Personal Legend.

Photo by Marcus Zorbis

Arabic word that roughly translates to "it is written". Maktub is basically the theme of fate and omens used throughout The Alchemist described in one word. Santiago learns it from the crystal shopkeeper and it is used from that point on by many different characters.

Photo by elif ayse

Principle of Favorability
"Beginner's Luck" for someone following their Personal Legend. This Principle is the universe telling a person they're on the right path. Santiago exchanging the book and meeting King Melchizedek were signs for him to follow his Personal Legend.

God or Allah are frequently referred to in The Alchemist depending on the person. People think of them according to their religion but really they're just different names for The Hand that created the universe.

Soul of God
Santiago found, through all his experience and wisdom gained, that the Soul of the World was simply part of the Soul of God. Santiago performed his miracle of becoming the wind by using the Soul of God that was also part of himself.

Photo by nevil zaveri

The force that transforms and improves the Soul of the World. The Soul of the World will become either better or worse depending on us. The power of love is us striving to become better than we are.

Photo by Werner Kunz