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Action Post Partum Psychosis

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  • My youngest daughter was born at the end of November 2013. She was rushed out of the room as the cord had been round her neck
  • We spent Christmas with family in Scotland
  • During January my husband who was suffering from depression lost his job
  • Our house was on the market at the time
  • Although things were tough I felt I was coping
  • However following traumatic incident where my daughter was injured things went downhill fast.

My youngest daughter was born at the end of November 2013.

We spent Christmas with family in Scotland.

During January my husband who was suffering from depression lost his job.

Our house was on the market at the time.

I felt I was coping even though things were tough.

However following a traumatic incident where my daughter was injured things went downhill fast.
Photo by bfhoyt


  • Following a period of severe lack of sleep I became increasingly afraid that something terrible was going to happen to my family
  • I locked myself and children in the bathroom and called emergency services
  • In my confusion I asked for fire brigade even though there was no fire
  • Police spoke to me first and I was taken to hospital where my closest friend met me
  • My family rushed down from Scotland
Photo by BadSoull


  • On the ward I thought I might have travelled back in time or perhaps died
  • I spent all my time trying to figure out a way to escape instead of resting or sleeping which meant my mental health deteriorated
  • Experienced immense pressure/pain in my head
  • I felt like a spy trapped in enemy territory too afraid to speak in case I was discovered
  • I was hiding and afraid of staff who eventually had to pin me down to medicate me


  • A bed became availible at the mother and baby unit in Manchester
  • I was reunited with my baby and able to resume breast-feeding during the daytime
  • Initially I had the mistaken impression that I was in a woman's shelter or refuge centre
  • However due to the really good care I received there my mental health started improving significantly
  • I spent a lot of time in the art room painting


  • In hospital I was on Olanzipine
  • I had a key worker and staff to talk to
  • I met with my psychiatrist regularly
  • The early intervention team assessed me and agreed to take me onto their caseload following discharge from hospital
  • Discharged around Easter time
  • In the summer I switched to Quetiapine and felt more like my old self
  • Engaged with CBT sessions provided by team


  • Despite good progress I relapsed in February following year
  • My team visited me regularly
  • I phoned crisis team if I struggled out of hours
  • Although serious I was helped in community without re-admission to hospital
Photo by OXLAEY.com


  • I’ve been working with APP now for a couple of years
  • I’m hoping to write and illustrate children’s books to help them understand this illness which affects so many mothers every year
  • I’m soon going to start studying a masters in psychology at Chester University
Photo by Cea.