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Abby Powsner

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Background Information

John Cabot was born in Genoa in 1405, which is now called Italy today.but his birth certificate was lost at sea and no one really knows for sure. As a young child John learned how to explore new lands and sail the seas.

Photo by kerim

Cabot's full name is Giovanni Caboto, and one of his sons' is Sebastian Cabot who was also an explorer when he was older.

Photo by kerim


John thought that moving to England was a great place for his career. Later on King Henry VII of England let John test his route to the far-east. John Cabot asked King II of Portugal and King Ferdinand of Spain to sponsor one of his voyages. However they both refused to sponsor that voyage.


John Cabot had a dream to sail to the Far-East and find a shorter route to the Far-East(Mongolia, China, S.Korea, N.Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines).


John Cabot set sail on a ship named Matthew on May 2, 1497 with servants , DVD's to keep everybody entertained and some of the finest weapons available in England. King Henry VII sponsored this voyage. He sailed from Bristol, England to either Nova Scotia, or Newfoundland, Canada.


People believed that Cabot actually landed in Newfoundland, and he thought that he was in India on June 24, 1497. He did claim parts of Canada and England also.

Photo by davecpayne

When Cabot returned to England, the King rewarded him and thanked him. King VII of England gave him large sums of money.

Photo by davecpayne


On one of Cabot's voyages, his ship broke down so he had to travel back to England to get it fixed. When Cabot traveled back, he brought different types of fish along with him, so today we have different kinds of of fish because he brought some along from where he explored. Cabot notified everyone that there were rich fishing areas close to whereCabot explored.


He explored the Caribbean Islands.
He wanted to find a shorter routed to Asia.
England sponsored one of his voyages.
He has a son named Sebastian.
His first name is John.
Who do you think it is??


Slide 4: Career- An occupation or profession, especially on requiring special training, followed as one's life work.
Slide 4: Sponsor- A person who vouches or is responsible for a person or thing.
Slide 4: Voyage- A course of travel or passage, especially a long journey by water to a distant place.
Slide 9: Notified- To inform (someone) or give notice.

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