7 startup business plan traps

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Startup business plans: 7 traps to avoid.


7 startup business plan traps

the unwary will get caught

#1 start with an executive summary

You cannot write a summary if you have not done the work
Photo by IvanWalsh.com

#2 Business plan is vital

  • Is there a problem & do you have a solution?
  • Will your offer deliver real value?
  • Can your business model generate revenue?
  • Do you have the team to do it?
  • With answers, now check them out with a business plan!

#3 use an expert to write the plan

You are the expert
Photo by Found Animals

#4 costs/revenue

YOU control costs, but the CUSTOMER controls revenue

#5 prototype perfection

clients will perfect the beta version–launch a minimum viable product

#6 unbelievable claims

"we only need 5% market share..."

#7 five year forecasts

are pie in the sky
Photo by kabl1992

Avoid the Traps

contact Will Keyser: will@startupowl.com
Photo by rishibando