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6 Basic Principles

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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6 Basic Principles


balancing principle of the government’s systems
Federalism: is the way the United States balances the power of the system between State and Federal Government. The six word summary gives a clear summary on what Federalism does and that it helps separate state and federal governments and balances them out. The picture we chose goes with this because it represents on what federalism stands for and the eagle stand for what the country is and the flag represent the states.

Checks and Balances

three branches that limit government’s power
Checks and balances: Checks and balances helps make sure that the government is not too powerful, by separating the power into three different branches. We chose this photo because he realized that the government can't get too powerful because of checks and balances. The 6 word summary gives a simple summary of what separates the powers of government and what it's limited to.

Separation of powers

all branches have equal organized power
Separation: of powers explains how each branch of the government works and that they are separate from each other. As well, that each branch has equal power, that they can’t over power. The reason why we pick the picture is to show that the branches work together to take care of the country.The six word summary explains that each branch of government has equal power and that not one can overpower the other.

Popular Sovereignty

government is ruled by the people
Popular Sovereignty: is the principle that authorities of state and government is created and sustained by the people. The six words we chose, helps explain that popular sovereignty is that the people are in charge of the government and on how their society is. The image shows that the people have a say in the government so in that case we also control the government as one. It symbolizes that we are one and should agree to what is right for our country.

Limited Government

outline of rules government must follow
Limited Government: is bound to certain principles of actions created by the state constitution. The picture we chose helps show that the government can't simply do certain things because there are certain laws that prevent them to do thing and there are certain things they have to do. The six word summary helps show that the government has an outline of how to do things and must follow them in order to do things.

Judicial Review

Judiciary reviews the other branches actions  
Judicial Review is the doctrine under which Executive and Legislative review actions under judiciary. The six word summary gives a simple meaning of what the Judicial Review does which is the Judiciary branch judges the actions of the other branches and decides if what they do is alright or wrong. We chose this photo because the judiciary confirms whether they should pass the law to the legislatures or to not.