4 Habits to Become a Recruiting Leader

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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4 Habits to Become a Recruiting Leader

Photo by Hamed Saber

Recruiting can be a pretty cut-throat profession.

Photo by What What

The pressure is on you to recruit quality candidates that turn into long-term, engaged employees.

With all of the calls, emails and social outreach, it's easy to get lost in the mumbo jumbo of recruiting.

Photo by Mait Jüriado

Even more difficult is solidifying your position on the recruiting team chain.

Develop these 4 daily habits to reach recruiting leadership status immediately...

1. Demonstrate You Listen

Investigate conversations in staff meetings, and show your recruiting team you not only heard what was said, but you took it into consideration.

Photo by gbaku

It can be something as simple as starting a conversation with a colleague or supervisor about a certain point made in the meeting or even sending a quick email to your boss and meeting attendees afterwards to recap what was said.

Photo by Infusionsoft

Propose new questions, bring up related topics, and keep the conversation rolling throughout the rest of the week.

Take initiative in driving the conversations and you’ll be seen more as a thought leader within your organization.

Photo by Viernest

2. Be Genuinely Courteous

Creating a positive candidate experience goes beyond common courtesy like saying please and thank you.

Pay attention to the little details when interacting with job candidates, and find ways to put a genuine touch into your efforts.

Photo by edmittance

Don’t send mass messages, and don’t send a robotic, crafted, infomercial style message either. Write to one candidate at a time, and be conversational and kind.

79% of potential candidates are not actively engaged in the job hunt.

Photo by philhearing

Do you think they are going to respond to a mass, impersonal LinkedIn message?

Photo by koka_sexton

3. Don't Rush

Photo by Mark Ramsay

The average interview process has now increased to 23 days.

Photo by brandoncripps

Create a timeline that determines certain checkpoints in your hiring process.

Photo by Dogfael

With a little trial and error, you’ll have a hiring process timeline that works for you.

Share what you find to be your best practices, and don't worry...

Photo by włodi

If fellow recruiters are implementing your practices, you’re on your way to being a recruiting leader.

4. Share Opportunities

Photo by Ed Yourdon

Are you currently in a managerial or leadership style position within your company?

Nice work, but how did you get there?

Photo by katerha

If I had to guess, I bet part of your ladder climb had something to do with the opportunities that were given to you.

Photo by mikefats

Yes, someone “saw something” or believed in your abilities.

Photo by taberandrew

Nobody just walks into their office one day and becomes a leader.

100% of the top 20 companies for leadership development had CEOs who were actively involved in developing leadership talent.

Photo by billerickson

To maintain leadership, you must delegate tasks to your recruiting team that gives them the opportunity to learn and grow.

To many it sounds like you’d be giving away leadership opportunities, but looking at the big picture you’re only building a stronger, more experienced team.

All four of these habits can be exhibited daily whether you’re in a leadership position or not.

Being seen as a recruiting leader within your organization will take time, but you can get there by applying these concepts to your daily life and recruiting practices.

Photo by Mylla

What characteristics do recruiting leaders in your organization exhibit?

Photo by VinothChandar