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1st amendment

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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1st amendment

reading the paper is a part of the first amendment, the right to press

the 2nd amendment dictates your right to bear and keep arms. (i don't have any actual guns, i hope this counts)

3rd amendment dictates that any homeowner has control over there home, including property rights, lodging soldiers and who may live there.

the 4th amendment shows that you need proper warrants and documentation for search and seizures

the 5th amendment dictates that you have the right to not say anything that will incriminate.

the 6th amendment is the miranda rights: the right to trial by jury, right to attorney, right to know what they're being arrested for.

the 7th amendment is the right to jury during civil cases

the 8th amendment is right to proper punishment and not a cruel and unusual one

9th amendment is the enumerable rights, the rights that aren't necessarily written in the constitution but implied, like the right to choose the college you attend.

10th amendment is states rights, the states get to choose certain rights like age you can get your driver's liscense.

11th amendment is the states right to avoid being sued by other countries or states.

the right to elect presidents and vice presidents.

the 13th amendment abolishes slavery

the 14th amendment dictates that their is equal rights for all (sort of)

the 15th says that all races and religions can vote

the 16th amendment is the income tax law.

the 17th is the right to elect your senators

the 18th bans the sell and consumption of alcohol

19th allows women to vote

20th moved the dates of inaugurations and dictates what should be done in case of an incapable president.

21th relieves ban on alcohol

the 22th is the amendment that says a president is only allowed two terms, such as our current president, Barack Obama

the 23rd allowed the district of columbia to vote during elections.

the 24th uplifted the restrictions on voting

the 25th states that in the president is removed or died, the vp takes his place, such is the case with JFK and LBJ.

the 26th is the age restriction on voting, an example is that my mother can vote where as i can not.

the 27th allows congress to make their own paycheck.