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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Definition: the artistic and cultural flowering of the time, helped inspire this thirst for knowledge.

Example: the flowering of art culture that began in Italy and spread to the rest of the Europe.

Photo by Pnikosis

Definition: the spreads of European ideas and values.

Example: they would become a defining feature of the modern era to come.

Photo by Mink

Definition: a system of rule in which a monarch power.

Example: they had rulers absolutely power.

Divine right
Definition: the notion that a rulers power is derived from god and cannot. Be questioned.

EXAMPLE: the mandate if heaven support their rule.

Photo by Eric C Bryan

Commercial revolution
Definition: rapid expansion of business, fueled trade colonization.

Example: particularly Spain and Portugal exploited the resources and markets of their colonies.

Photo by VSELLIS

Definition: economic system based on private enterprise.

Example: Europe has living standards rose and wealth increase.

Definition: principles of science.

Example: economic, political, and cultural, helped propel Europe's rise to power.

Photo by AbhijeetRane

Definition: defend the Aztec and the inca empires to brought millions of Indians under their control.

Example: they destroyed great civilizations whose roots when back to thousands years.

Photo by LollyKnit

Definition: mixed race descendants of Europeans and Indians.

example: the Catholic Church also prayed an important role in colonial society.

Photo by Ewan-M

Definition: Britain and holland, prospered despite inflation.

Their countries including Spain found that sudden wealth could do more harm than good.

Columbian exchange
Definition: they transfer of plants animals, diseases between the eastern and western hemispheres.

Example: had a major impact on the world cultures and environment.

Great dying
Definition: the devastion of American Indian populations brought over from Europe.

Example: the spread of deadly disease made the European conquest of the Americans much easier.

Definition: A renaissance phylosophy emphasizing the worth of individual and balancing religious faith with secular learning.

Example: a belief in the value of the individual.

Photo by rafa2010

Definition: centuries that split the Catholic Church and gave birth it the Protestant religion.

Example: Martin Luther a German monk and teacher.

Photo by ell brown

Scientific revolution
Definition: a shift in thinking about the study of nature.

Early scientifically made key advances in astronomy.

Photo by lisby1

Definition: methods to the study of society and it's problems.

Example: some European monarchs were drawn to the enlightenment and try to govern according to its principles.

Network test is complete.e between 1400 and 1800, travel, weaponry,nor ideas?
The movement and ideas of people increased.

Photo by theqspeaks

United 2 By: Cindy Arias 😉