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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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By Gabby Washington & Kayla Hardin


  • Christianity emerged in 33 AD in Levant (1st century Palestine)
  • The founder was Jesus of Nazareth also know as God's only son Christ
  • Who was sent to earth and died for human sin. Monotheistic and they believe
  • The think we are created good but now are born in sin .
  • They believe in an after life of heaven, hell and some purgatory in the Catholic and Orthodox

Sacred Text

  • Scared text of Christianity are the holy bible, 10 commandments, & Gnostic Scriptures
  • The bible has an New and Old Testament containing books within them
  • In the Old Testament God was a more harsh god then in the New one after giving us Jesus
  • The Ten Commandments were written on stone tablets later destroyed by Moses a Hebrew pro
  • fit it had been created again and place in the ark of covenant later stolen and never found again


  • Christians serve, & love God in anyway they can whenever they can
  • Some Christians get baptized as infants to clear away sins.
  • They also participate in communion. Both baptism & communions are considered
  • as sacraments. ( sacred rituals practiced by Christ himself)
  • Places people practice included churches, chapels, cathedrals, & bacilias

Growth/ Origin

  • Christianity spread westward from the holy land to powerful European countries
  • Exploration is what cause Christianity to have it's massive spread worldwide
  • Europeans forced people to adapt to Christianity in the new world
  • They building of many church's also contributed to the spread of early Christianity
  • eastward


  • Holidays originating from Christianity include Advent, Christmas, Easter
  • , Lent, Epiphany, and Good Friday. Christmas is the holiday celebrating
  • the birth of Jesus of Nazareth and began to be celebrated in late 3rd century AD
  • Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus 3 days after he was crucified
  • which is the center piece Chritanity. Unlike Christmas Easter was celebrated by early Christans


  • Some divisions of Christianity included Catholic, Protestant, & Orthodox
  • 51% are Catholic the newest form of the Roman Catholic Church the church
  • church all Christians belonged to.
  • 11% are Orthodox the more stricter side of Chritanity.
  • 24% are Protestant the less dominated branch of Christanity. In originated in the 16th century


  • There is no clear founder but is the oldest existing religion. Hinduism is not 1 believe of practice instead it's a
  • collective term applied to many Indian religions. Hindus believe in reincarnation & suffer rebirth for 8,000 yrs
  • Goals in life are Moksha rebirth, Dharma leading life, Artha material gain by lawful means, & Karma where
  • being pure equals higher reincarnation level. Polytheistic religion. The 3 main gods are Trimurti (3 deities)
  • Brahma creator, Vishnu maintainer, & Shvia destroyer.

Sacred Text

  • It's collection of scared texts is known as a whole Santana Dharma(the eternal teaching)
  • Scared texts of Hinduism are Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad, and Gita epics.
  • There are 4 Vedas; the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, & Atharva Veda


  • Hindus have practices they follow in their system of religion
  • They worship ( the offers are usually made to representations of the gods
  • They don't bury there dead but they cremate them by burning them to ashes
  • They have compliance with rules of the caste system which is a division of society in different groups

Growth/ Origin

  • The religion is practiced in India's sub-continent where it originated from
  • Hinduism has no founder or date of origin this gradually developed over 4,000 yrs ago
  • Hindu roots date back as far as 2000 B.C.
  • Hinduism spread south east due to Indian merchants settling there bringing Buddhist
  • monks. These religious men patronized by rulers who changed to Hinduism.


  • The Hindus celebrate many holidays
  • Many ceremonies commemorate historical or legendary events celebrate the cycle
  • of nature.
  • Three main holidays are Basant Panchami, Dashara, & Diwali


  • Hinduism encompasses 4 of major sects shaiva, vaishnava, shakta, & smarta
  • In practice, the sects tend to overlap.
  • Individual Hindus don't necessarily define themselves in those terms


  • Was founded by Kong Fuz born in 552 B.C. In small state of Lu
  • Some argue if Confucianism is a religion or not because there are no deities
  • and no afterlife teachings. The Latinized name Confucius based on the title of Kong Fuz
  • wasn't giving until 16th century Jesuit missionaries in china. These teachings were even later
  • translated and put into strict guide lines and is associated with much of China's obedient history

Sacred Text

  • Although none of the 4 books are inherited by Confucius he wrote none of them and were writen by his students
  • Scared text are Analects (Lunyu), the 5 Classics ( Wujing), the 4 books (Sishu)
  • The Analects are the closes to the philosophy of Confucius.
  • The 4 books were required to be read to pass the civil service examination beginning in 1315


  • Confucianism strongly emphasizes Mercey, social order, & responsibility
  • Ren the central ethical principle equal to mercy “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.”
  • is what Confucius said that best represent this. Li or (proper way) has a set of rules for socializing with others
  • Controlled emotions, restraints, and face are examples of this.
  • Family before self is also important to practice

Growth/ Origin

  • Confucianism Originated from China and has many influences on the world.
  • Chinese Confucian regimes had little interest in global exploration.
  • They preferred spread through "soft power", only within the Chinese court
  • Although it isn't wide spread it doesn't lack to empire or racism. Since it's adoption
  • by Han dynasty East Asian regimes from 1,000s of yrs has made Confucianism as it's ideology


  • Confucians don't celebrate many specific holidays so they celebrate days from other religions
  • Some holidays are considered to be Easter Mondays.
  • Normal rituals mean different in Confucianism, acts of everyday life are rituals
  • The Ching Ming festival is celebrated 106 days after winter solstice & families go visit relatives graves
  • Confucius bday is also celebrated on September 28th


  • Yes there is a great number of interpretations of Confucianism by slightly
  • different ideas and countries but there is not a true organization structure
  • Neo Confucianism provides some division
  • Neo Confucianism is a more western and newer thought on the religion