Woman & Horse

Published on Nov 19, 2015

The mythology of horses and women as sun goddesses is presented in this Haiku Deck by Margaret Merisante Ph.D.


Woman & Horse

Mythwoman presents:
Photo by Will Montague

Women &  Solar mares:

Taking a ride through mythology
Photo by mikebaird

the Sun was a goddess.

In several ancient cultures
The sun was a goddess in the following cultures:
British Isles
and Anatolian
to name a few.


symbolized these sun goddesses.

Sun goddesses were seen as mares
for a number of reasons:

Photo by Werner Kunz

The swiftness of horses

seemed to match the Sun's speed.
Pre-Vedic mythology had solar mare goddesses such as Saranyū and Urvaśi. Mare goddesses racing in myths (such as the Celtic goddess Macha or Rhiannon hint at this ancient link.

Mares are pregnant

for about one year: a solar time measurement.

Mares, like the sun,

bring forth new life each spring. 
Mares' gestational period is approximately 370 days. Thus, symbolically, the mare conceived, grew and birthed a foal for a solar year.
Photo by mikemcsharry

A Mare always leads

the herd. Just like the sun heralds our day.
Photo by swainboat

The Sacred Mare is White

displaying its mythic connection to light. 
The White Horse of Uffington is the most famous of these solar mare representations, but the British Isles has numerous examples carved into the land.

Solar mare goddesses

gave us images of horses made of flame

Solar mare goddesses

daily pulled the Sun into the sky

The swift solar mare

 is even transferred to our fastest cars.
Photo by derrich

solar mare goddess.

Even now, our psyches remember the powerful

Wild and Free

were qualities of the solar mare goddess.
Photo by JeremyOK

Women also symbolized Nature

& wildness, especially sexual desire.
Women=nature is a common patriarchal mythic theme.
As a corollary, female sexuality has been cast as wild, uncontrolled, or untamed.

A force of nature,

horses also became linked to sexuality.

merged with Venus

Thus, the solar mare goddesses
When patriarchal cultures claimed the sun as male, the solar mare goddesses became linked to the planet Venus. Venus as the morning star always rises before the sun and is just as brilliant. As a result the mare goddess also became more eroticized.
Photo by kevin dooley

Naked and desirable

 For centuries, the sexual mare goddess was seen as 
Lady Godiva was a historical figure and was nothing like the solar mare goddess. However, her name is forever linked to this symbolism.
Photo by sofi01

This mare Goddess or Godiva

 still rides on in our imagination.
Photo by leiabox

& women just got carried away

Later, sexual power shifted to stallions
Especially in Greek myth, centaurs were portrayed as lustful and insatiable.
Photo by peterjr1961

The sacred horse became just male

tamed, sacrificial, and tied to war.
Horses have been commandeered as a premier military tool.

The War Horse

. . . a manmade substitute that honors no one.

powerful life creators

The truth is women, like mares, are
Photo by Cyclinglaw

when we  lead

it benefits everyone.
Photo by p medved

We bring light and life to the world.

Photo by VinothChandar

and that is truly divine.