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The Important Book

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Important Book

About Assessment
Photo by kennymatic

The important thing about student self assessment is that it promotes the upward cycle of learning and self confidence in students.

Photo by metabrilliant

It increases meta-cognitive skills, it makes students responsible for their learning,

Photo by metabrilliant

it increases such skills goal-setting, and reduces behavioural issues.

Photo by metabrilliant

But the most important thing about self assessment is that it promotes the upward cycle of learning and self confidence in students.

Photo by metabrilliant

The Important thing about student led conferences is that they are led by students.

They are like parent teacher interviews, where students lead the discussion.

Students reflect on their own work, share learning intentions, success criteria and samples of work.

And discuss where they can improve.

But the important thing about student led conferences is that they are led by students.

The Important thing about pedagogical documentation is observing and recording student learning experiences, interpreting and documenting with ethical considerations.

It is capturing evidence which includes verbatim note taking, mobile devices, conversations, and student reflections.

Documentation includes the students' voice and perspective.

Interpretation criteria should be trustworthy, authentic and reciprocal.

but the important thing about pedagogical documentation is observing and recording student learning experiences, interpreting and documenting with ethical considerations.

The important thing about assessment is gathering evidence of student achievement according to curriculum.

It's planned, shared, gathered, informed, analyzed and supported by descriptive feedback.

It improves learning by setting goals that help to make independent learners through achieving the success criteria.

Triangulated-observation (student-teacher), conversation and student products. It closes the gap between the previous and current level of knowledge.

The goal of the process is to move from guided practice to independent practice based on student readiness.

but the important thing about assessment is gathering evidence of student achievement according to curriculum.

The important thing about feedback is that it is a cyclical system

It begins with establishing learning targets (feed up), assessing to move student learning closer to the learning targets (feed back),

and analyzing and reflecting to drive future instruction (feed forward).

However, the most important thing about feedback is that it is a reciprocal learning system between student and teacher.