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"Is" or "Does" ?

Published on Aug 04, 2016

The purpose of this Haiku Deck is to review the uses of the "to be" verb and the helping verbs "do/does" and "don't/doesn't." Secondarily, the seasons, autumn and spring are used as topics of discussion.


''is'' or ''does''

My favorite seasons and the verbs 
Photo by ganzoman

Let's see what jennifer esl says

about these verbs. 
To access Jennifer ESL's video, click on this link:



and the rules for using the ''to be'' verb

Use a form of ''To be'' when talking about a:

a. profession (I am an engineer. )

b. marital status (Are you married?)

c. nationality or origin
(we're American. Where are they from?)

Photo by Mister-Mastro

d. condition
(How are you? I'm tired this morning. We are so happy to see you. )

Photo by Bert Kaufmann

e. Description
(most Autumn leaves are red,
yellow, and orange.)
f. fact
(fall is before winter .)

Photo by Indy Kethdy

g. location
(Where is milwaukee? It is in wisconsin.)
h. time
(What time is it? It is 2:00.)

Photo by Ian Sane

i. with an -ing verb
(are you enjoying the cooler
weather of fall?
Is it going to snow soon?)

Photo by blmiers2

Autumn is

my favorite season! 
Photo by Jeff Kubina

Fall is my favorite season, and today is a beautiful Autumn day!

Photo by Mister-Mastro

Fall is my favorite season, and today is a beautiful Autumn day!

Photo by Mister-Mastro

Autumn is not hot, and it is not cold.

Photo by davic

Autumn is pumpkin season.

Photo by Kay Gaensler

Autumn is football season, too!

Photo by Mike Morbeck

Halloween is in october.
October is the second month of autumn.

For Halloween vocabulary and explanations about their historical significance and inclusion in this holiday, see: https://prezi.com/u9ktu6kb3cfp/13-halloween-traditions-explained/
Photo by a4gpa

This is aN English teacher.
She is teaching her students
about halloween.
What is she dressed up as?

Photo by IronHide

Thanksgiving is another important autumn holiday.

It  is always the fourth thursday in november. 
Photo by Tojosan

Turkeys are a symbol of our Thanksgiving.

Learn more about this american holiday!1
Information about the history of Thanksgiving available at:

Photo by stevevoght

This is also an American symbol.

It isn't a turkey! What is it? 

it is an eagle, an american symbol

of beauty, strength, and longevity.
For more information regarding the eagle as a U.S. symbol: http://www.history.com/news/ask-history/how-did-the-bald-eagle-become-ameri...
Photo by blmiers2


and the uses of do and does 
Photo by Jeff Kubina

the negative forms of the Present tense helping verbs ''do'' and ''does'' are ''don't'' and ''doesn't.''

Photo by д§mд

''Don't'' and ''doesn't'' are used in negative present tense sentences and questions.
(I don't like cold weather.
doesn't it get warmer in the spring?)

Photo by Tribble_Fun

''Do/does'' and ''Don't/Doesn't'' are used in present tense questions.
(Do the flowers start to grow in spring?)

''Do/does'' and ''Don't/Doesn't'' are used in short answers.
(Does it rain a lot during spring?
Yes, it does.)

Photo by johnmuk

''Do'' and ''does'' are used for emphasis. (I do like to study english! Really!)

Photo by blmiers2

''Don't'' is used in negative commands.
(Don't forget your umbrella! )

Do you like springtime? I do!

Does a spring rain (shower) make you happy?

Photo by 55Laney69

a spring shower doesn't worry me.

Photo by nosha

But, spring tornadoes do scare me!

Photo by mr_balage

Don't worry! I know how to stay safe. Do you?

For a tornado safety presentation, go to:

Now do these exercises!

and Be sure to tell me how you do. Don't forget!) 


every season is beautiful! 
Photo by Rusty Russ