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Slide Notes

Introduce the activity of sketchnoting. I have chosen to not include a lot of samples here because it is important that students find their own vision and "voice" in this activity.
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Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Visual notetaking
Introduce the activity of sketchnoting. I have chosen to not include a lot of samples here because it is important that students find their own vision and "voice" in this activity.

Visual Notetaking

"DOODLING has a profound effect on creative problem solving and DEEP information processing." --Sunni Brown

Explain that the process of creating sketchnotes allows the learner to think about the material in a new and different way. In this way, they are processing a large amount of material in a way that helps them engage new thought patterns and make connections to seemingly different ideas in a cohesive way.
Photo by jaremfan

"Ideas Not Art"

-Mike Rohde
It does not matter if you are an artist. Doodles should be personal. Use size, boldness or color to emphasize big ideas. Add text and flow to create connections and condense large ideas in to bite-size pieces of information.
Photo by evalottchen

View Video

Sample video on the basic concept.


  • Organize and visualize large amounts of info
  • Combine text and doodles
  • Create structure and flow
Photo by evalottchen


  • Work with a small group
  • Gather all of your notes
  • Read all the requirements
  • Choose your tech
Groups should be between 2-4 students depending on the size of the class. Each child can create their own or make a collaborative effort (depending on how comfortable they are with the idea).

For our class, there will be requirements, including key vocabulary to include in their sketchnote. This is a new concept so we won't give middle-schoolers open license as that would be too overwhelming. With future attempts, there would be less structure provided.

For this attempt, students will have the option of incorporating different forms of tech (depending on their comfort level):
1. many student have tablet laptops with drawing programs like Google Draw or paint.
2. iPads with drawing apps (Paint 53, notability, Explain Everything)
3. Paper (then take a pic)

All work will be uploaded to Google Drive to be shared with the teacher.

student sample

To view other student samples visit: http://sketchnotearmy.com/blog/2013/6/3/sketchnotes-in-history-class-with-b...

The more samples you provide, the less students will create their own ideas. This is designed to enhance learning, not re-create someone else's ideas.