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Presentation for the Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Administrative Breakfast March 21, 2014
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Published on Nov 20, 2015



Innovative Leadership

in and through the school library
Presentation for the Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Administrative Breakfast March 21, 2014

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Also active on the NYLA-SSL Facebook page; feel free to join us!

Check out our LIBGUIDES at www.esmschools.org

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Full time and assistant

735 students

each of our schools has a FT librarian and some clerical support

Other hats

  • Executive board for NYLA-SSL
  • Conference Planning Team
  • Member of CLRC, AASL, and ALA committees
  • Winner "I Love My Librarian" award from Carnegie/ALA
  • Winner "National School Library Program of the Year" from AASL

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Photo taken from my home overlooking Oneida Lake (south/west shore)

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Fun with spine poetry; and reflects my mission for our library program

Librarians who lead empower their communities with:

  • Increased Opportunities
  • Essential Resources
  • Finding Inspiration
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Focused Professional Learning
While reading this article about the importance of being a connected educator, I felt that these areas reflected the aspects of leadership through the library, too...so with reference to this article, let's talk about leading through the library http://www.principals.org/tabid/3788/default.aspx?topic=Connectedness_The_N...

Increased opportunities

for all stakeholders
Students, staff, volunteers, librarian colleagues, support staff, classes, clubs, teams, individuals, parents/families, parent groups, public librarians, community partners, admin, bookstores, authors, technology staff, , special areas, BOE, professional organizations, university partners, other schools, other districts, BOCES, and SELF to bridge the gap between operating in a vacuum and operating as a powerful team

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Empower students to LEAD the way to TEACH, do PR, SPEAK, maintain and more...

iStaff program has been a game changer for us! Check out more info here: http://pinegrove.libguides.com/iStaff

MOVIE of our DAY:

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Empower adults to coordinate systems, projects, initiatives, campaigns, grants, and more high impact activities...find out what makes them tick and tap into that....don't assume all "helpers" want a lower level task.

Success story from ALA grant

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TALENT SCOUT--be one and get others to be "moles" for you! Seek out singers, artists, promoters, gamers, grant writers, community contacts, and get them on board to move things FORWARD and be win-win for all!

Examples-talent cafes, grants, book festival, clubs, events, collaborative teaching, promotions, collection development, facility issues, technology and more!

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Be RUTHLESS and TAKE CHANCES to make events become part of the Library program and culture....

Examples: TeenBook Fest, BOOKAPALOOZA, Techstravanganza, United Way campaign, SOUP-er bowl, FLASHMOB, and MORE!

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Share the wealth and empower problem solving, teamwork, initiative

EXAMPLES: setting up for classes, PBL events, coordination of resources, getting information OUT, school wide outreach, contests, and more

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Connect with events bigger than your 4 walls;

EX--World Book Night, worked with Mayor, Village of Minoa, iStaff, parents, and community

B&N bookfairs, building events, social media, clubs, dances, plays, sports

Essential resources

tools of the Trade
3 basic tools:

duck tape

BUT others make leading through the library more impactful!

Job of the library is to provide CONNECTIONS that will enrich,

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You need a TEAM

the MORE you have invested into the success of the library the MORE can get done!

pictured here: iStaff team from 2012-13

"iStaff has quickly become a model of student leadership in our middle school. It empowers student leadership and provides a vital service to staff in the school. It's definitely a win-win. It's been so successful that an iStaff program has been established in the 5th grade one of our elementary schools."
Kieran O'Connor, Executive Director of Planning, Development, and Technology

Aligning our initiatives with District Strategic Plan


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You need CREATIVITY...if not YOUR thing, find others to motivate you OR let them take on that role..

Sometimes when I feel stagnant, I seek it out; other times people seek ME/library out to kick things up a notch!

5 minutes at the front counter in a middle school and creativity is RAMPANT!

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Need PROBLEM SOLVERS..be honest with what you are NOT the best at and seek others to be there for you or with you....LEAD FOLLOW OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!

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Need access and knowledge to TOOLS that can be embedded into instruction AND create systemic changes...

Noodletools or Easybib empower those changes and shifts in culture on how we ALL do business in research, the process, the resources...can work collaboratively OR standalone


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Need MULTiPLE POINTS of ACCESS that connect users to relevant information at school and at home

Don't compete with teacher portals, pages, blogs, but embed library resources for them and vice versa...

LIBGUIDES has been a game changer for us..http://www.esmschools.org/PineGrove.cfm?subpage=30716

Promo of quality resources, integration of systems, collaborative instruction, copyright friendly materials, and more!

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Multiple available...

Took a RISK, LEARNED, attending online training, got a few users on board, asked them to promote, ongoing promotion of how tool can work, create one even when NOT asked for teachers to use!

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Collect DATA for use in analysis for developer, teacher, admin, budgeting, purchasing, planning, collaboration

Other tools/analytics out there..find them, integrate them and with constant analysis, continue to transform

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SYMBALOO is another tool to provide web-based access to resources

Encourage STUDENTS/TEACHERS to create own, make suggestions on what to include, and to promote CHOICE and VOICE in instruction....empowering use of tools through the library but not necessarily IN the library

Finding inspiration

at every opportunity
Sometimes you are the statue and sometimes you are the bird...heard that one?

You need to either BE the one to INSPIRE or seek OUT those who can do that for you and the program!

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Students....no brainer source of ideas, creativity, out of the box thinking, not what if, but WHY NOT....tap into their ideas...at ANY age!

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Give them the FLOOR and let them RULE The world! http://clrc.org/resources-services/advocacy/

Examples--Albany day, conferences, webinars, #tlchats or other twitter events, author visits, videos, skype/virtual visits, meetings, retail outlets, special events, conventions, staff development days, books, magazines, parents, your own kids, your partners, golf league, gov't officials and MORE...seek out ideas and share yours!

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How does your garden grow?

The KAYLA story--a lesson in INSPIRATION for me!

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AASL conference..the CYNTHIA LORD story

sooo many authors have done the same for librarians and students and teachers and administrators...FIND THEM and CONNECT with them! Arts in Ed, grants, TBF, Children's book fest and more


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Switch things up! Rethink the SPACE to match the LEARNING that is going on...plays, poetry reads, guest speakers, animals, virtual visits, panels, planetariums, maker spaces, and more!


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TIME can INSPIRE..take the TIME to find the perfect book, the perfect website, the perfect author, strategy, space, set up, partners, outreach plan, tech tool, and INSPIRATION will be twofold

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Make these words part of your regular vocabulary...

Whats the worst that can happen?
Lets do it together
Go For it...

not....i'd love to but, it's too...., we don't have the funds, maybe next year, etc etc etc.... DO It NOW, Make it happen!

Lifelong learning

Model it, live, it, and share it....

no matter what stage you are in career, we know its ongoing...try new tool, new format, new approach, new partner, new conference,

Ex--google plus, biblionasium

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Try new events, new partners, new venues, new times, new seasons,

BPalooza stories, during dances, summer, breakfast not evening, between sports seasons, marking period hotspots, silent reading fest, techstravaganza and more

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make opportunities for students to learn in authentic situations, that will transform their thinking and get them to connect to bigger goals well beyond the place they are in school

Ex: video conferences, visitors, STEM initiatives, grant writing, facility mgmt, presentations to BOE, teams, classes and more...highlight how what they are learning/doing can set them ahead of the curve

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LEADERSHIP...formal and informal opportunities...

give them the higher level projects/jobs/tasks and raise expectations

not "do this...then this..but..

How can we, what should we....we need a plan for....

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Rethink and reinvent to overcome... and get kids INVESTED

EX-techstravaganza, elf on shelf, libguides, teenbookfest, and more

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provide ways for students to make CONNECtioNS that might not make on own...

focused professional learning

this requires a balance between self-directed leadership, support to arrange schedule, travel, participate, lead, and learn....in ways that will be win-win for entire community

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Organizational involvement, leadership, awards, self-assessment

my NYLA-SSL connections

regional conferences, trainings, virtual and F2F, social media,



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Learn from others...

can't be expected to know it all...

don't WAIT until you master something to turn it loose!

ex-biblionasium, youtube TVproject, web 2.0 tools for presenting, gaming,

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Opps for learning at Cornell annual leadership institute

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SOCIAL media...

my preference is twitter/fb but also use google plus, webinars, conf. calls, google docs/forms



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events like this to enjoy LIVE or archived....amazing resources, connections, ideas, perspectives

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Expect more from your school, your teachers,

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create the culture, freedom to try, fail, succeed, and share learning experiences from both

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Set the standards HIGH; expect a program to solidly exemplify highest level or working towards; need culture/structure supports in place to get there

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READ...no brainer for most...but read what the kids are reading and NOT reading, explore reviews, conversations, authors, journals, blogs, and more!

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Let them teach YOU and EACH OTHER...

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balance a look at the BIG PICTURE and the day to day operations...where do you want your program to be?

what is missing?

what resources do you need? (not always $$) what resources do you have that are untapped??

What directions are leading to dead ends?

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maximize partnerships....

interns, visitors, conversations, events, guest speakers panels, alumni events, campus visits and more

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The job of the school librarian is to MAKE CONNECTIONS that matter

Sir Ken Robinson, "Change what you are doing, change your world. And if enough people do that, we can change the world."

(via twitter)

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in whole school? in library?

Is there a culture of shared leadership? shared investment?

who is advocating for the library? who will be at a loss if its not there?

partnerships don't just happen...make them happen, make them rich, make them matter!

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Is your library providing authentic learning experiences and empowering student leaders ?

if not, make it happen.....

Board of ed meetings, tours, multimedia productions, presentations,

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Find a team that is willing to help the library build and grow and develop

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If things are status quo and not having the impact you desire....

find a new path....

don't walk alone...not safe :)

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Expect more from your school, your teachers, your libraries, your students and YOU..

raise the bar for leadership with same focus as other data

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Libraries DO matter and STRONG school LIbraries build strong students.... and impact an entire school community

Grow your team of stakeholders and advocate for what is right for teaching and learning


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Don't sit back and wait,


See you at NYLA-SSL conference!
April 24-26
Syracuse OnCenter