Digital Life 102

Published on Sep 22, 2016

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Digital Life 102

What is digital Media?

electronic devices and media platforms (computers, cell phones, video, the Internet, & video games) that allow users to create, communicate, and interact with others or with the device or app itself

Which answers surprised you the most?

Which statistics match how you use digital media in your life?


a figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two different things using the word like or as

My media life is like a window onto the world because it allows me to see all kinds of new things.

Photo by Ward.

My media life is as tempting as junk food because I don't always know when to say no.

Photo by avlxyz

My media life is like a ________ because ______.


My media life is as _______ as a ________ because _______.

-How big a role do digital media (Internet, texting, gaming) play in your life?
-What are your favorite things to do with digital media?
-Do you connect with others or create things online?
-What are positive and not-so-positive aspects of having digital media in your life?


Perspective on Social Media Video:

Link to Video:

What are some of the upsides of digital life, according to the teens in the film?

What do you think the upsides and downsides are in your own life?

Go to

What are some of the upsides and downsides or digital media for relationships?

What are some of the benefits of digital media for our country as a whole?

What are some of the problems it might cause?

Tricia LaRue

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