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Goal Setting

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Goal Setting

Look at the bigger picture.
Photo by JohnONolan

Step 1- Setting Life Goals

  • Think about what you want to achieve in your life.
  • Goals can be broken down into different subjects. For example, you can look at career, financial, education, family, attitude, pleasure, and public service to know what goals you want to achieve.
  • Brainstorm these things then select one or more in each category.

Step 2- Setting smaller goals

  • Create daily to-do lists.
  • Set larger small goals.
  • Break up into smaller groups. For example, they can be broken up into one-year plans, six-month plans, one-month plans, or even daily plans.
Photo by Jamiesrabbits

Staying on course.
Once you've decided on your first set of goals, keep the process going by reviewing and updating your to-do lists on a daily basis.

Photo by purpleslog

Periodically review long term goals, modify them to reflect your changing priorities and experiences.

SMART Mnemonic

  • S- specific
  • M- measurable
  • A- attainable
  • R- Relevant
  • T- Time-bound

Achieving your goals.

  • When a goal is achieved take time to enjoy the satisfaction of having done so.
  • If you achieved your goal too easily, make a harder goal next time.
  • If you achieved your goal in a longer amount of time expected, make a easier goal to achieve next time.

Enjoy your acheivements.

Photo by Kuyan Redman

by: Mobillion
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