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BT4.it: lesson 2 - Manage a music event

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Manage your event with Bt4.it

Lesson 2: Music Event

the perfect tool to managage Music events

  • A club , pub or restaurant owner, who is thinking of organizing a live music event often has doubts to whether use professional tools to promote the event or keeping it "low-key" simply by spreading the news out by word of mouth.
Photo by theboybg

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  • The advantage of a tool like BT4.it is that it allows you to promote your event effectively (on social network, with news letters or with banners) reaching those people who do not know your establishment nor the music band (meaning all those who are neither friends nor regular customers)

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  • Another advantage is that you will know in advance who and how many will attend so , should it be necessary, making the right adjustments before its too late: You will be able to evaluate if your communication and promotion has been effective or , if necessary, to activate further promotional activity or amend your prices to make the offer more attractive.
Photo by @superamit


  • Online ticketing system tool allows you to acquire a customer in the precise moment in which he sees your promotion. Else the result is obvious: web users will see the post on Facebook, will realize that in a weeks time there will be a music band playing at the local Pub but within five minutes they will forget all about it because stimulated by thousands of other information.
Photo by thejaymo

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  • Whereas if in that moment you can sell him a ticket , a good , a drink or a “promise to participate”, only then you will know the web user has turned into a customer.
Photo by thejaymo

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  • Some may say that they don't sell ticket to go to their pub/restaurant; why should they need an on line system and what should they sell? With BT4.it you can sell a drink instead of a ticket ; a coupon for a cocktail, a brunch a happy hour event with a discount on quantities.
  • come visit us @BT4.it
Photo by Potyike

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