We are pleased to announce a new feature for Haiku Deck Premium subscribers, Presentation Analytics. If you’re using presentations to raise money or sell or conduct marketing, this is a great new way to see how your presentation content is being consumed by viewers and to get notified when key people engage with your Haiku Decks.

Invitations: Allows you to create a custom link to send to anyone in order to get in-depth analytics based on their actions related to your Haiku Deck. Presentation Analytics will track when the invitation is clicked, how long the viewer spent looking at the deck, and trigger an email notification to you when the link is clicked.

Recent Viewers: Provides high-level data on recent viewers of your individual decks or all of your decks in aggregate. This includes time spent on the deck(s), the location of the viewer, the date and time of their visit.

Views: Provides a line chart showing the number of views received for the deck and time frame you select.

Downloads: Shows a line chart of all of the downloads that you deck has received over the selected time period.

Shares: Show the number of shares of your deck to different social media platforms via the share buttons on the playback page. Specifically, you will see the number of shares of your deck to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Google Classroom, as well as the number of time a link to your deck has been copied.

Though Presentation Analytics will apply to all of your Haiku Decks, data for this feature is only available beginning from the start of Presentation Analytics tracking on September 15, 2017. Learn more about Presentation Analytics in the Haiku Deck user guide.

As with any new feature, we’re eager to hear your feedback! Click here to learn more about Haiku Deck Premium and to upgrade. Also, if you’re a qualifying nonprofit, be sure to take advantage of our 50% off pricing. Drop us a line at team@haikudeck.com and let us know what you think!