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This presentation is for a workshop on getting a blackbelt in networking it includes getting participants to do some activities and sharing and reviewing their professional stories.

Lewis Carroll
Rupert Giles
Nancy Pearl

All have something in common does anyone know what it is? They are part of our community.

And all of you belong to the world of libraries and information management. In the last 5 years 22.5% drop in the number of librarian jobs; 4.2% drop in the number of library tech jobs according to ALIA there will be a bounce back however... it's important you take control of your own destiny. You are going to leave here well on your way to a black belt in networking.

In the next 20 minutes we will explore where and how to interact with others to develop professional and social contacts hence building your networks. Seems simple but can be tricky!
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Black belt in Networking

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Is it time to revisit the story you tell others about your work? This presentation gives you some tips.



This presentation is for a workshop on getting a blackbelt in networking it includes getting participants to do some activities and sharing and reviewing their professional stories.

Lewis Carroll
Rupert Giles
Nancy Pearl

All have something in common does anyone know what it is? They are part of our community.

And all of you belong to the world of libraries and information management. In the last 5 years 22.5% drop in the number of librarian jobs; 4.2% drop in the number of library tech jobs according to ALIA there will be a bounce back however... it's important you take control of your own destiny. You are going to leave here well on your way to a black belt in networking.

In the next 20 minutes we will explore where and how to interact with others to develop professional and social contacts hence building your networks. Seems simple but can be tricky!


  • Networking opportunities
  • Personas, image and reality
  • Self audit
  • Tips for writing a biography
  • Professional story your #selfie
ALIA believe that the trend will reverse slightly between now and 2018. It is sobering.

We are all here tonight to help give you a professional edge.

1. Best networking opportunities?
2. The difference between image and your own professional reality
3. Look at decluttering and auditing your professional story
4. Start writing our own professional autobiography/bio
5. Take a professional #selfie

Are you ready? Can I have a show of hands for those of you who have always wanted to be a librarian or work in the information management sector?

Ask for a volunteer to say at what age they knew.

I was a library monitor in high school! But many people say to me (those who don't know many librarians) - you don't look like a librarian.


  • kitten
  • tattoos
  • awesome glasses
  • love of vintage
  • crafter/maker
I am often called a hipster librarian which makes me laugh. Although I do have all of the following:

1. kitten
2. tattoos
3. glasses
4. love of vintage
5. crafter

I also play ukulele and run and much more people only see part of my persona online and in real life. The things I want people to see. People might make assumptions based on how I look! So we need to find the assumptions that people in our own profession as wider may have about us we can do this by....


Rachel Green is a speaker and the powerhouse behind the website confident woman. I saw her speak at a conference in Perth in 2006. I highly recommend her website if you are interested in networking and becoming more confident.

She lists 10 tips on the art of conversation. In a moment we are going to do a quick exercise to introduce ourselves to someone in the room we don't know. Using some of Rachel's tips.

If like me you are an introvert who can masquerade as an extravert. Faking it and practicing being more confident can help you overcome any anxiety.

I recently did a public speaking course because I still find it nerve-racking. You can gain skills in being more confident and public speaking in many places. So we are going to practice!


  • Introduce yourself (1 min)
  • 5 minutes to discuss
  • Best networking experience ever & why
  • We will discuss as a group
It is a very quick exercise. I want each group to construct a librarian and give your librarian to skills or powers. Assign someone to report back just incase I call on your group.



  • professional integrity
  • personality
  • passion
  • pride
  • knowledge & skill
What is important in our profession:

being genuine being yourself
having a passion for the professional and community
pride in doing a job well
your experience, knowledge and skill

Don't let labels define you... be wonderful, be the best at what you do. Let your work speak for you! Be a professional.


If you are going to rebrand or rewrite your own story you need to explore the AS-IS state but looking at different aspects of your professional life so you can DECLUTTER!

As is versus

What you enable you to get...

where you want to be

professional audit | declutter

Audit could include:

Social media

- where are you active professionally?
- is there somewhere you should have a presence that you don't?
- do you have a professional and personal profile/presences?

- professional associations - ALIA
- volunteer work
- professional committees
- socialising


Balance in work and life also important to have a wholistic approach


Spend the next 6 minutes on your own audit...

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I've heard many people say they hate writing about themselves. I actually really like writing bios for conferences etc...

I have a formula that makes it fun!


  • context
  • short
  • unique selling point
  • pop culture reference
  • Don't be too clever! (Not to self)
What is the bio for? Audience.
Keep it short
Is there something unique about you are for example you are a copyright geek/nerd?

I like to use pop culture references but you need to think about context choose a reference that will resonate with your audience.

NTS if making pop culture references don't be to clever. I have seen song lyrics used well.

Kim Tairi broke up with herself in 2012 and decided to rewrite her professional story. She has a black belt in networking and is the Associate Director, Information Management at Swinburne University. A librarian and educator who could survive a zombie apocalypse because a) she has watched every episode of Walking Dead b) Shaun of the Dead is one of her favourite movies c) she plays Zombicide d) All of the above

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be AWESOME like a unicorn