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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Background Info

  • Agriculture is the domestication of plants and animals
  • It first started around 10,000 BC
  • The Fertile Crescent of Western Asia was where it was first started
  • Agriculture has changed the landscape of entire nations
  • It has greatly affected the economy

North America: Prehistoric Great Plains

  • This involved the Indians in North America before colinization
  • The main crops were maize, beans, and squash
  • The Indians in the Great Plains were able to use these crops
  • This allowed them to keep a village instead of being nomads
  • It changed many tribes from nomadic to stationary, in one area

South America: the Incas

  • The Incas were a civilization that lived 5000 years ago
  • They used the land and environment to grow crops
  • This allowed them to trade with other villages that were not able to get these crops
  • These advancements lead to the formation of roads and trading routes

Australia: Indigenous Farming

  • The indigenous people of Australia used fire-stick farming
  • This is the facilitated burning of crops in a certain area
  • This method is still used today
  • It enhanced productivity and allowed the people to learn many new ways to grow crops
  • The people started to grow new crops

Asia: Chinese Chain Pump

  • During the Han Dynasty, there was a new way of irrigation: the chain pump
  • An oxen pulled on a system of mechanical gears and wheels
  • This allowed people in higher elevation to irrigate their crops
  • Many farmers were then able to live higher in the mountains and still get water to their crops

Europe: Common Agricultural Policy

  • The CAP forced common rules in all of Europe regarding Agriculture
  • This ranges from improving security, productivity, economic support, and many other things
  • It has greatly improved the way that people grow crops in Europe

Africa: Slave Trade

  • The actual agriculture was in Europe and America
  • The Africans wanted crops from those regions, so they traded slaves to get them
  • Nearly 12 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic
  • The agriculture of America caused huge demographical changes in Africa