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Slide Notes

I created this deck to help viewers gain some insight into the art of developing your personal brand.

I'm including anecdotal moments as well as tips for social communication, consistency, design and growth.

You can find me at



The Art of Personal Re-Branding

Published on Nov 06, 2015

This deck is a part of a series/session on personal branding and communicating your personal message.


Personal Re-Branding

Owning Your Story
I created this deck to help viewers gain some insight into the art of developing your personal brand.

I'm including anecdotal moments as well as tips for social communication, consistency, design and growth.

You can find me at



Google Yourself

Conduct a Personal Review
What does you digital footprint say about you?

How much of what you've said and posted is available through search? Check your digital footprint.

Is it an accurate representation of the message that you wish to convey? Is every posting listed your own?

The personal review is something that needs to be done as often as a personal credit check and should be integrated throughout the re-branding process.

Define YOUr message

How Should Others Perceive You?
Branding is all about communicating and accurately representing who you are.

The message that you wish to convey should be evident in the steps that you take moving forward.

Think about that.

What makes you...YOU.

Consider Audience

Choose Consistent Platforms
Create and customize your web presence. Don't start an account that you don't intend to keep consistent.

Post regularly and also engage with others. Personally, I chose platforms that are accessible on any device.
Photo by stijnbokhove

Own Your name

My blog is a self-hosted wordpress blog running on my own domain. I used to use a different domain but part of "the brand of me" is owning every aspect including my name.

You can purchase your domain and use pretty much any other web platform. You do not necessarily have to self-host. This is a personal choice for me.

Cost: Less than $30/year (with privacy)

Remember consistency?
Photo by danmachold


Develop Your Platforms and Presence
I am not a designer so I partnered with a young talented designer to create my graphics.

Check out

Money saving tip: If you have unique skills of your own, you may even be able to negotiate a "service trade" which is what I did. We consult for and with each other.

Share Consistently

Review and Adjust
If you're aiming to maintain a positive outlook, maintain one.

If you're aiming to be critical of everything...be critical.

Whatever your message is...be that...but make sure that your message is one that represents YOU.

Review and adjust if necessary.


You are BEST if You are YOU!
Whether you are branding for the first time or re-branding, it's much easier if you travel by the road of self.

Be YOURSELF at all times.

You will be at your best when you are being true to who you are every step of the way.