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Who I am

This is a story of iTV from the user's perspective.

Innovating iTV, was my dissertation project for my MSc in HCI @uclic
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Innovating iTV: Designing an affective search

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Designing an affective search
Who I am

This is a story of iTV from the user's perspective.

Innovating iTV, was my dissertation project for my MSc in HCI @uclic


Is television combined with internet.
iTV promotes passive television viewers to proactive users, enhancing their experience, by giving them a new dimension of options.
Photo by westy48


One of the challenges iTV faces is content finding...

...Consequently, content finding is becoming a Herculean feat for the user to tackle.


  • Can we use reason together with emotion to browse for iTV content?
  • Can we browse for iTV content without using words?
  • How can we design an interaction, to support people’s iTV browsing decisions?

Related work

In academia
1. Personalised recommender engine
2. Bionsensors detecting mood
3. Affective analysis for movie browsing
4. Classification system of TV programmes

5. Information retrieval "Knowledge Graph"

Related work

In the industry

A "wicked problem"

1. Design for iTV UI’s that address cognitive-affective browsing mechanisms

2. Follow the UCD approach

3. Consider non-textual forms of browsing

This study is exploring an under-researched area.

1. There is scarcity in designing for iTV UI’s that address cognitive-affective browsing mechanisms,

2. follow the UCD approach and

3. consider non-textual browsing.

(Here you move' position 1)
Photo by Paul RA


For inspiration


6 Mood UI Components
A colour wheel
Image recognition and upload features
Mood flip
Keyword Tag Cloud
Voice recognition


Research through Design (RtD) Approach
Research through
Design (RtD) providing a structured roadmap

(user) relevance

RtD was selected due to three following reasons. First, embraced both Affective Interaction theory and Design Practise.

Secondly, it matched the scope of this study to sustain the users’ behaviour and enrich it.

Thirdly, it aims to leverage the knowledge in HCI community on designing for iTV user experience.


A Cultural Probes Method under a Pilot & Main Study
evocative tasks that probe the user's behaviour
provide design inspiration

7 Participants

Documented & shared their iTV stories
7 participants Participants were greeted and a Probes pack was given as a present to each participant with the briefing document included in the pack. Briefing session lasted around 30 minutes. Participants were then talked through on how to use the pack.
- Mood boards
- Drawing Experience
- Diary
- Discrete Emotions Wheel
- A single use Kodak Camera
- Collage Postcards

A diary

Each day was labelled with a question suggesting a different technology topic
They were then requested to return the probes in a week’s time and parted. The researcher emailed private link invitations to the participants and kept within reach for further questions. After the end of the study the pack was allowed to be kept as memorabilia.


A Co-Design Workshop
is a workshop characterised by a synergic design process between participants and designers.

It was set to inform the design process and evaluate the third research question of this study.

It was selected, because it is both research and design-led

8 Participants

Sketched the UI & new components
Part 1 -In the fist part, time was allocated to the return of the probes and discussion.

Part 2 - In the second part, participants were asked to pair up and collaborate on three sets of sub tasks:

-browse for content by their usual way.

So, they were asked to browse for the keyword “David Attenborough” and in the main, “Formula One”.

- browse for content by an unusual way, for
example by not using the search engine.


Enhancing users cognitive flexibility & creativity outside the realm of “normality.”
-  After this, they were provided with a briefing task to evaluate the components and immediately after they were given two minutes resting time. During this time users are requested to get involved in a non-demanding task, of card sorting by colour.

The participatory method, was designed, utilising “Diversifying experience” (Ritter et al, 2012), a model to enhance cognitive flexibility and give users room for creativity outside the realm of “normality.”

Sketching an UI

Of their preference
Part 3 In the third and last part, participants were paired and suggested to design an UI of their preference based on the components presented and to create some of their own.


was used to make sense of the data gathered


people’s browsing decisions are determined by their transient moods

User Needs theme Findings

Browsing with mood vs. browsing wordlessly
user needs: mood search vs.
wordless browsing

user engagement and motivation


  • The interaction designed consists of mood & cognitive functions combined
  • Building a user history or mood related video content
  • Yielding social & personalised real-time recommendations
  • Moods can be queried with the proposed html 5 markup tag
Four new components emerged as a result of the conducted studies from the participants:

1. a toggle button

2. an image uploading function

3. a plugin component for automated measurement technologies;

4. a Genre wheel of categories for serendipitous and tacit browsing. The Genre wheel was an innovative element

Future work

Different Decision making Theory || Prototype Evaluation || Social iTV
Prof Daniel Kahneman, from Princeton University, started a revolution in our understanding of the human mind. It's a revolution that led to him winning a Nobel Prize.